maandag 9 februari 2009

2nd Woolderes run

This morning i woke up early and got dressed into my running clothes. today it was the 2nd woolderes run. around 10:00 we were at the school building and payed for the start number and a meddal ofcourse. at 11:00 the 5km started to run. my mom and i did the 5km that day but it was cold so i did not run that well. just when we were off to run suddenly this animal was running from a farm and this animal wanted to cross the road but than he bumbed into a lady and this lady felt on this animal ofcourse this animal was in panic and runned away into a field. well this lady did run the race but injured her hip well lucky she did not broke it. well i saw it happening and my mom was behind that so she did not see exactly what happend. so i did not run well anymore after that. my mom had a time 33 minutes and i had a time of 34 minutes :-( well hopefully next time i will have a better time.

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