vrijdag 31 december 2010

christmas weekend at my uncle and aunt's place

the 24th of december me and my parents went by car to friesland for the weekend to celebrate christmas with my mom's younghest brother and his wife and their little boy and daughters. we arrived like at 3 in the afternoon. around 10 me, my parents, my aunt and cousen went to church and we sing some christmas songs and someone told a few stories. the next day my mom's other brother came by with his wife and my younghest cousen with her boyfriend and we eat diner together. after diner we talked and laughed. when everyone left me, my mom, my uncle and aunt played this game called skip bo and laughed a lot it was a real fun evening. the next day we almost went home again but first my eldest cousen and her boyfriend came by. when my aunt and my younghest cousen came back from church we went to eat warm lunch and after we left back home. it was a real fun christmas and it was great being with the family. its sad it went to fast again.